Clear property and "both" value

Greetings SP.

I have a Wordpress blog that I’m slowly working on, using an available theme. The theme uses the clear property with a value of “both”, which according to the W3C’s Validator is invalid. However, every CSS site I visit says clear=“both” is in fact a valid property and value.

I was just hoping to get the thumbs up when running it through the validator. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


Direct link to the validator is:

Hi mssngvwls, welcome to SitePoint! :slight_smile:

If you are placing your styles in the HTML (which is not generally recommended) the correct syntax is:

style="clear: both;"

That is

<br style="clear: both;" />

Ah, thank you for the timely reply and welcome ralph. I went through the theme’s files and changed them over. No more errors.

Thanks again.