Chrome on HTML forms

I seam to be running into browser imcompatibility with Google Chrome. Initially there was a browser outline on all the form inputs when you focus it, but this was soleved by putting in element:focus {outline:none}.

Now I seam to be running into drop down issue. I get a blue outline on the drop down, and there is also a box problem around it.

I need to learn more on HTML forms, but I think maybe there might be a quirk with Chrome and forms, hence the title.

The site can be found here,

The outline has a very important purpose—to assist some of your site visitors to know where they are on the page. So rather than remove it, style it differently.

Chrome does this as a means to let users know where exactly they are and that they need to fill something in. Like Ralph said, removing it isn’t always the best option, but it gives you teh ability to style it a bit and add another appealing bit to your site.

:slight_smile: yep, you’re right. It’s like the notion of styling the browsers scroll-bars. The border-bottom in Chrome, what’s that all about. Chrome acts funny when it comes to forms. The drop down also has a blue outline. I don’t think this is a major issue to anybodies standards, so it’s something the site can live with.