I’m using cffileupload, and calling the following javascript function with the ‘onuploadcomplete’, here’s the cffileupload code:
addbuttonlabel = “#request.uiTextBrowse#”
align = “center”
bgcolor = “blue”
clearbuttonlabel = “#request.uiTextClear#”
deletebuttonlabel = “#request.uiTextDelete#”
extensionfilter = “#l_fileExt#”
hideUploadButton = “false”
maxfileselect = “session.fileUpload.maxFiles#”
maxuploadsize = “session.fileUpload.maxSize#”
name = “fileUploader”
url = “#homeDir#/member/utilities/files/act_uploadFiles.cfm”
progressbar = “true”
stoponerror = “true”
title = “session.fileUpload.Title#”
uploadbuttonlabel = “#request.uiTextUpload#”
width = “400”
onerror = “uploadError”
oncomplete = “uploadComplete”
onuploadcomplete = “uploadFinished”
function uploadFinished(){
alert(‘in uploadedFinished’);
Coldfusion.Ajax.submitForm(‘filesToUploadForm’,‘#homeDir#/member/utilities/files/act_processUploadedFiles.cfm’,uploadProcessed, uploadProcessedError);
After checking about abazillion times I’m convinced I’ve got everything spelled correctly. The callback and error javascript functions:
function uploadProcessed(rtnText){
alert("in uploadPorcessed, text returned: ");
function uploadProcessedError(code, msg)
alert("Error!!! " + code + ": " + msg);
The upload works fine, files are uploaded. I know I’m getting into the uploadFinished as I get the alert which is directly in front of the Coldfusion.Ajax.Submit call. But after that alert, nothing. No error, nothing. Any ideas what are some common causes of behavior (or better, ‘lack of’ behavior) like that?