Can't change a var to accept more than one character input


I’m trying to implement a OSC addon to update the options price in realtime from,1385, but it seems to only work with single characters currency symbols, like $, €, £, etc. any symbol that as more than one character, like Brazil Real R$, or C€, or Svenska Kronor Skr, doesn’t work and the price doesn’t update, it stays R$ 0.00 whatever options you choose.

I need to use this contribution with the Brazil Real symbol at the left of price like R$ 999.00.
Also I can’t make it work like 10.000,00. It only works like 10,000.00. But this point is not so important.

I have tried everything for some days, but I don’t know javascript.

Anyone looking at the javacript code could spot what I have to change.

Thank you very much in advance.

Here is the code:

<script language="javascript">
   function FormatNumber(num)
     if(isNaN(num)) { num = "0"; }
     sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
     num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001);
     cents = num&#37;100;
     num = Math.floor(num/100).toString();
     if(cents<10) { cents = "0" + cents; }
     for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
       num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+ num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3));
     return (((sign)?'':'-') + num + '.' + cents);

     function FormatNumber1(num)
    if(isNaN(num)) { num = "0"; }
    sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
    num = Math.floor(num*1+0.50000000001);
    cents = num%100;
    num = Math.floor(num/100).toString();
    if(cents<10) { cents = "0" + cents; }
    for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
      num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+ num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3));
    return (((sign)?'':'-') + num + ',' + cents);

  function showPrice(form)
   var currencysymbol1 = "";
    var currencysymbol2 = "";
    var myTotalPrice = 0;
    var showUP = 0;
    var myMathProblem = "";
    myItemPrice = parseFloat(form.nuPrice.value);

   myDollarSign2 = form.nuPrice.value.indexOf("EUR",0)
   if ( myDollarSign2 != "-1" )
      currencysymbol1 = "";
     currencysymbol2 = " EUR";
   } else {
     currencysymbol1 = "R$";
     currencysymbol2 = "";

   for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++)
      var e = form.elements[i];
      if ( e.type == 'select-one' )
        showUP = 1;
        Item = e.selectedIndex;
        myPrice = e.options[Item].text;
        myDollarSign = myPrice.indexOf("R$",0)
        if ( myDollarSign != "-1" )
        currencysymbol1 = "R$";
        currencysymbol2 = "";
          myParSign = myPrice.indexOf(")", myDollarSign);
          myAttributeString = myPrice.substring(myDollarSign+1, myParSign);
          myAttributeString = myAttributeString.replace(/,/,"");
          myAttributePrice = parseFloat(myAttributeString);
          myMathProblem = myPrice.charAt(myDollarSign - 1);
        } else {
         myDollarSign1 = myPrice.indexOf("(",0)
         if ( myDollarSign1 != "-1" )
         currencysymbol1 = "";
          currencysymbol2 = " EUR";
         myParSign = myPrice.indexOf(")", myDollarSign1);
         myAttributeString = myPrice.substring(myDollarSign1+1, myParSign);
         myAttributeString = myAttributeString.replace(/,/,"");
         myAttributePrice = parseFloat(myAttributeString);
         myMathProblem = myPrice.charAt(myDollarSign1 - 1);
         } else {
         myAttributePrice = 0;
          if (myMathProblem == "-")
            myTotalPrice = myTotalPrice - myAttributePrice;
          } else {
            myTotalPrice = myTotalPrice + myAttributePrice;
    if ( showUP )
      myDollarSign3 = form.nuPrice.value.indexOf(".",0)
      if ( myDollarSign3 != "-1" )
        myTotalPrice = FormatNumber(myTotalPrice + myItemPrice);
      } else {
        myTotalPrice = FormatNumber1(myTotalPrice + myItemPrice);
        document.getElementById("productNEWprice").innerHTML = currencysymbol1 + myTotalPrice + currencysymbol2;

    function showPrice1(form)
   var currencysymbol1 = "";
    var currencysymbol2 = "";
    var myTotalPrice = 0;
    var showUP = 0;
    var myMathProblem = "";
    myItemPrice = parseFloat(form.nuPrice1.value);

   myDollarSign2 = form.nuPrice1.value.indexOf("EUR",0)
   if ( myDollarSign2 != "-1" )
      currencysymbol1 = "";
     currencysymbol2 = " EUR";
   } else {
     currencysymbol1 = "R$";
     currencysymbol2 = "";

   for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++)
      var e = form.elements[i];
      if ( e.type == 'select-one' )
        showUP = 1;
        Item = e.selectedIndex;
        myPrice = e.options[Item].text;
        myDollarSign = myPrice.indexOf("$",0)
        if ( myDollarSign != "-1" )
        currencysymbol1 = "R$";
        currencysymbol2 = "";
          myParSign = myPrice.indexOf(")", myDollarSign);
          myAttributeString = myPrice.substring(myDollarSign+1, myParSign);
          myAttributeString = myAttributeString.replace(/,/,"");
          myAttributePrice = parseFloat(myAttributeString);
          myMathProblem = myPrice.charAt(myDollarSign - 1);
        } else {
         myDollarSign1 = myPrice.indexOf("(",0)
         if ( myDollarSign1 != "-1" )
         currencysymbol1 = "";
          currencysymbol2 = " EUR";
         myParSign = myPrice.indexOf(")", myDollarSign1);
         myAttributeString = myPrice.substring(myDollarSign1+1, myParSign);
         myAttributeString = myAttributeString.replace(/,/,"");
         myAttributePrice = parseFloat(myAttributeString);
         myMathProblem = myPrice.charAt(myDollarSign1 - 1);
         } else {
         myAttributePrice = 0;
          if (myMathProblem == "-")
            myTotalPrice = myTotalPrice - myAttributePrice;
          } else {
            myTotalPrice = myTotalPrice + myAttributePrice;
    if ( showUP )
      myDollarSign3 = form.nuPrice1.value.indexOf(".",0)
      if ( myDollarSign3 != "-1" )
        myTotalPrice = FormatNumber(myTotalPrice + myItemPrice);
      } else {
        myTotalPrice = FormatNumber1(myTotalPrice + myItemPrice);
        document.getElementById("productNEWprice1").innerHTML = currencysymbol1 + myTotalPrice + currencysymbol2;

And there is this code too:

					if ($new_price = tep_get_products_special_price($product_info['products_id'])) {
						<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<s><div id="productNEWprice1"></div>\
						<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<span class="productSpecialPrice"><div id="productNEWprice"></div>\
						<noscript><?php echo $products_price; ?></noscript>
						<?php } else {?>
						<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<div id="productNEWprice"></div>\
						<noscript><?php echo $products_price; ?></noscript>
						<?php }
				 } else { 
					 echo $products_price; } ?>
          <input type="hidden" name="nuPrice" value="<?php echo str_replace("$","",$nuPrice); ?>">
		  <input type="hidden" name="nuPrice1" value="<?php echo str_replace("$","",$nuPrice1); ?>">

I mean:

Anyone looking at the javacript code could spot what I have to change ?