Can WordPress Pull Contents to Other Websites/Apps and Other Outlets through API

Came across through that can be made as a common space of all your contents (especially relevant for big publishing houses and enterprises) and then delegate to websites, apps, and other outlets through pulling API. What happens in CMS like WordPress is that if you have two websites, you need to post/manage contents individually leading to lap of time and effort. The solution proposed is have all your contents in one place and then pull them to websites/apps as per the need. My query is could the same function be not performed through a WordPress website wherein all contents are there and then pulled to other websites (be it WordPress or other CMS), apps and other outlets through API. If that be the case, then will not have the unique selling proposal.

What you’re describing is called an RSS feed.

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If that be the case, what is your assessment of Do they have still something unique to offer.

I am sure there are many ways to solve that but I am not familiar with any.

The description in the Kontent web site is vague. If you can find a clear description of what they do then please tell us where. Otherwise I think the best that could be said is that they have invested in time to make things easy but nothing that a developer could not do relatively easily. If you can be specific about a feture then it would be easier to help with that.

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Something you might consider is GitHub. It is quite different but I think it can be used in an essentially same manner. It is something that professionals use; Microsoft bought GitHub because it is so popular. GitHub has many features, including version control. Since it is so powerful it is also complicated and difficult to learn. If it can be used then it would be quite professional. The following are relevant (I hope) articles.

If you want to develop something for use by others then if you can make something that uses GitHub but is easier to use than what is available then you might really have a hit.

Git is not an adequate solution since content in Wordpress is stored in the db. I’m not familiar enough with Wordpress ecosystem to offer a solution. Just thought I would add that. One of the primary problems with large monolithic platforms like Wordpress is syncing content between environments, and similar sites. This is not a new problem.

I know that. Yet the articles claim to track the changes. I have not looked closely enough at the articles to know if the database is tracked as binary data but probably not.

Content in Wordpress is spread out across a variable number of tables. Exporting and importing that content requires understanding the data structure. The data structure itself is dynamic based on the plugins being used. I believe there are some tools out there that can be used for syncing data between Wordpress sites. My knowledge of the Wordpress ecosystem is limited though.

Well of course. Definitely. But that is entirely possible, no problem. There is no mystery, it simply requires the relevant knowledge such as in:

But the number of tables do not vary; there is a one-for-one correspondence of table in the database and a definition in the DDL. Actually the DDL or it’s equivalent is the external definition of what is in the database. It is defined (by the definition of relational) for all relational databases and definitely MySQL.

I think you mean varies, based on things like options and plugins used. Dynamic implies uncontrolled, or at least I think that is what you are trying to imply. So again, there is DDL for all of it.

Yes that is what I mean.

I would not consider it easy.

You might be interested in knowing that relational databases were first described by Dr. Codd (50 years ago next year) in his A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, of which there are copies available in many places. The first sentence is:

Future users of large data banks must be protected from having to know how the data is organized in the machine (the internal representation).

In other words, fundamental to the design is that the organization of the data must be available in a manner independent of the internals.

Systems like Wordpress break a lot of basic database rules to offer the flexibility of a generic cms. Couple that with plugin developers doing whatever they really want and it is typically a gigantic mess. Not easy to extract data.

Notice that I usually post authoritive articles to support what I say and you seldom or never do. You should post authoritive articles; flame wars usually erupt when people post differening opinions with nothing authoritive.

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