Can anyone tell me how i can do a ER diagram for DVD please

Can anyone tell me how i can do a database for DVD rentals i am having problems how i need to do it cant find it anywhere how it is done please can someone tell me with it :

customers , movies , category, hire, payment and transaction

I recommend a book that takes you from the basics and on. This book on Sitepoint might help:

I used “PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja” (sold by Sitepoint a while ago) and it was great. You might find used copies on

This sound an awful lot like a homework assignment. You’ll learn more if you do most of the work yourself.

For the tables, ask yourself “What would I need to know about…” and your answers will give you the columns you need. The relationships between the tables is how something can be grouped or an action can be taken on them.

Give it a try, and post here. Then you’ll get some guidance, but you need to make the effort so you can learn how to reach an end goal.

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