Button Click Color

Hi when I click and hold on my read more button I am still getting the green color and I want make it blue not sure whats going on in the css

The bootstrap buttons have higher specificity than the rule you are using. You need to increase specificity like this:

.pt-cv-wrapper .pt-cv-content .btn-success:active {etc..}

The original button had this rule:

.btn-success:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active, .btn-success:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active, .show>.btn-success.dropdown-toggle

That’s why its not good to change the default buttons as they are very comprehensive. Go with the defaults or create your own new ones.

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why was I able to do this for hover and it worked?

.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:hover{
	color:white !important;

Because the specificity for hover was less than that for :active due to the original rules above.

Note you will probably also need to describe rules for border, outline and box shadow also if I remember correctly.


yeah I did

I had previously made changes to this but it is still becoming green at visited https://howto.sonypicturesrunner.com/


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