It’s been a while since I worked on this (oops! over 2 years) after having received a lot of help in the thread entitled “Bootstrap docs” sidebar nav -problems getting it to work! and I thought I’d take a look at it again so I can finalize my website ideas
Things appeared to work fine in Firefox 115 (Mac) so I’ve worked a bit on the user interface, but noticed that there are actually some strange things going on…
1) Invisible nav-items: for some reason the nav-items (the “button/pill” in blue showing where in the navigation you are) is completely gone. Hovering still works, and functionality wise it scrolls to where I click in the navigation area, but the item is no longer highlighted.
It’s usually remidied if I do a page reload in Firefox 2 or 3 times, so I don’t know if this is a Codepen issue or something else. I’m having the same problem in Safari 14 (Mac), Opera 98 (Mac) and Safari (not sure which version) on an iPad running iPadOS 16.7.2.
2) scrollbar in navigation not following content to top-scroll: I currently have 15 items and several sub-items(i.e. items 10-15 all open with additional sub-items) and if the screen space isn’t high enough to display them all a scrollbar in the navigation section appears. This works great except it doesn’t scroll along with the page content if you use the mouse-wheel to scroll up/down. Try this:
- Adjust the browser height so that there’s not enough vertical space to show all 15 main items. A scroll-bar will appear in the navigation section
- Now using the scroll-wheel on the mouse, or the scroll-bar on the right side of the browser window, scroll up and down in the content of the window. Notice that the left scroll-bar (the one in the sidebar navigation) doesn’t follow, so you need to “manually” drag that scroll-bar to wherever you are in order to “catch up” with the highlighted item in the sidebar-navigation)
3) Disable hovering effect for current item: say you’ve scrolled down to (or clicked on) item 2 in the sidebar-navigation (which highlights it in blue). When hovering over other items those turn light-gray under the mouse-pointer, but for an item which is already selected (the same goes for sub-items) I would like that effect to go away (i.e. if I hover over a selected item it should just stay blue).
Here’s an example of a page working like that, using a similar type of sidebar navigation.
(I tried to find out more by looking at the source but i’m not sure if I figured it out. Might be a ready-made Wordpress thing, according to what I read in the source).