I have 3 images that I need to incorporate into the footer. I’m not sure how to style this with custom CSS and how to make them look presentable. Homepage of website located at www.sgdr.co.uk
Any help much appreciated and thanks for reading my post.
Why don’t you show us a drawing or pseudo-screenshot that shows how you want the images to look, and if the layout of these three images is to change at narrow widths, how are they to end up?
The obligatory smartass question (because I’m not a bootstrapper)… why did you choose the Bootstrap grid system? Depending on what you expect, this doesn’t sound like a difficult task for Bootstrap.
Thanks for replying.
I chose Bootstrap as I had spent months getting bogged down in my own HTLM and CSS code (which is limited!) and I needed to make our new website mobile and tablet friendly.
I don’t have a drawing of how I would like the images to look as I don’t know myself. I tried different combinations, but none look right and I thought maybe a different pair of eyes would see a tidy solution. The only image that needs to the on display is the club logo if viewed from a mobile or tablet.
Other than not being centered in a wider viewport, the logo image shrinks-to-fit the smaller devices nicely. I am not sure what you want us to do for you. If you do not know what you want, it’s difficult to help you build it.
I do suggest that you give your site a run through the HTML validator. I suspect that your recent efforts have introduces the errors in the lower part of the page, so clearing those errors will give you some helpful practice refreshing your HTML and CSS skills.
Bootstrap does not negate the need to know and understand HTML and CSS. If your skills are weak, then take a course or two to build them up. It sounds like you have the luxury of time. Most developer’s don’t.
Your page is off to a good start. Read the bootstrap instruction manual to refresh you knowledge of their grid system. You DO have to obey the rules of Bootstrap’s grid systejm. If you don’t know them, someone else will have to help you because I don’t know them either.
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