Blog site to post links & content?

Hi i just wondered if anyone can recommend a good blog site to post about my website, which is affiliate based. I was advised by several senior members on another forum to go to Wordpress & add content & my links, i wasted 2 days of preparing the blog only to find that 3 hours later the account had been suspended because i apparently violated the terms. Just need to find a site where i can post this content & links without getting into trouble. Cheers :slight_smile:

Point taken.:wink:

You can also try squidoo.

I’m quite a happy with the blogger and didn’t have any problem with the wordpress.

Yes blogger is much of thumbs up about it. You can even customize how your site will look like. I do hope youre into it now.

Try to Blogger/Blogspot.

Exactly what kind of content and links are you talking about?

You can make an actual blog on blogger or wordpress. Squidoo and hubpages are a little different, and that might actually be better for you. Let us know a little more.

Why not buy your own hosting if you’re trying to monetize a blog (rather than leeching a free host who’s TOS probably doesn’t allow commercial usage). :slight_smile:

  1. Blogger
  2. Wordpress
  3. Squidoo
  4. Hubpages

Provided no spamming…

u can use all web 2.0 property such as blogger, squidoo, hubpage, webs etc as those sites are free to join and post.

Wordpress no doubt in that, join wordpress and create your own there if and only if you have your own content. Never write with copied content, keep this in mind always. Google will love you if you follow this.

guess spamming is not tolerated even on other blogsites.
wordpress and blogspot are the favorite.

for this requirement its blogger or wordpress only recommendable.

Yes… No other options except blogger or wordpress…

I think Squidoo and Hubpages are the best if you are just making affiliate page with links to another site. Or you can have your own wordpress blogs.

Both Blogger and tend to delete accounts if they see those as spamming. Even if you don’t. never allow you to commercialize your content. Only the self-hosted WordPress can do that…maybe that’s why you are suspended. I think blogspot is better.