I’m PHP developer and we are using local server so sometimes we overwrite each other work if there is two persons opening the same file, We tried to create SVN but due to some issues it’s now working good and slow so someone told me the EmEditor lock any files that are opened so no one can save the same file from his computer but EmEditor is kinda old school and I’m searching for new or modern editor with that option like atom, brackets …etc?
If you can get a copy of DreamWeaver CS6, it supports file locking so no two people can work on the same file at the same time (assuming, of course, that no one is jerk enough to overwrite the file check out.)
Yes, there is a newer version of DW called Creative Cloud, but it sucks.
Then other options are NotePad++, SublimeText, or … I forget… there are others, but I’ve never used them.
The nice thing about the older versions of DW is file management. I’ve never had an issue with file management in DW CS6 or earlier. Heck, I still use CS3 on a laptop at home, and I like it better than the DW CC versions.
But if you hate DW, then I don’t think there are many good options out there.