Best way to monetize blog?

my blog is at - how would you recommend I monetize it? adsense or another means? or wait until i get traffic?

As per my opinion Google Adsense is best… apart from that u can sell links or banners on ur site once it gets popular.

adsense good. but this is very hard.

There are many ways to monetize your blog, the most known is adsense. Paid content is also a good method to monetize your blog, for example you can make tutorials, or an ebook.
If you want to use Ads services, you can choose between: AdBrite , BidVertiser or Blogads.

Check this link, you may find solution

Wait until you have traffic before you try to monetize a blog. You will immediately put off a load of readers if your site has advertising on it before anyone actually reads it regularly. Building an audience before you try to monetize it will help increase your earnings on the basis that you aren’t initially scaring off those individuals who see adverts and hit the back button, you’ll have built up a regular readership making them more loyal to your brand (and perhaps more willing to donate). :slight_smile:

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i agree with alex…and if you get enough users you can link up with ad company and get paid to display ads and not have to worry about clicks

For all my blogs the best has been Adsense

If you follow terms and conditions of adsense well then, it will be good.

From my personal experience I would say adsense is a waste of time, unless you have lots of traffic. I made a few hundred $ thru a post on Jupiter Jack and decided to focus on affiliate marketing. I’ve written a few sponsored posts as well but don’t really find them challenging.

I would suggest you remove the comment boxes from the home page. It seems a bit odd to see just snippets of posts and full comment boxes. They take up most of the space on the blog home page.

You can also do sponsored posts. Again, as with AdSense, you do need to have a decent page rank to actually make it worth the advertiser’s dollars. Make it a priority and you’ll find that you will have a stead stream of offers.

I used adsense and it is good to earn money from it. :slight_smile:

  1. Adsense
  2. Pay per post
  3. Incontent Links
  4. Sell links

But before that promote your blog first to increase traffic because the more traffic the more income you get.

I think Google Adsense is the best solution so far for monetizing blog. Enjoy it

Google adsence is best for monetizing your blog,
but it will be good for you when your blog gets popular and have more traffic.
Build trust and traffic to your blog by updating it regularly and try to get quality back links

have you guys heard of it installs like google analytics and discovers potential affiliate links in your forums and blog… like regular links that users post which go to amazon or any potential affiliate programs are detected. they automatically generate affiliate links on the fly based on your affiliate information.

i just posted in a thread in the social communities section asking peoples experience with lettucelinks and then i saw this post.

anyone use lettucelinks? seems like a cool addition to google adsense

Wait until your blog have more traffic, first promote your blog for gain traffic.
For monetizing Google AdSense is best for your blog.

I think, google adsense is good for your blog

Agree with #13, but traffic is key. Whatever you put in there, if no traffic, you won’t get much…