Best way to create a sitemap

Hi there,

I have a small website (around 10 pages). What is the best way to create a sitemap? Should I use a tool such as to create an XML one or should I create my own HTML version which is laid out nicely?

Any advice would be great

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If you site will not get much bigger, then doing it on your own HTML pages will be a snap. That way, you can add responsiveness so it works well at any screen size.

Thanks, I’ll do that. I will also add an XML version for Google etc.

On a second thought, should I also include pages such as Privacy Policy etc and how about links to my social media pages?


It is not necessary to add a sitemap for a small site. You can if you wish, of course, but provided your pages are correctly linked, so you content can all be found easily, there is no need.

If your website is on wordpress then you can use plugin to create sitemap.

Yoast’s SEO plugin is the best way to create a sitemap.

@toolman has not said that the site is built with Wordpress, so offering Wordpress-specific solutions may not be very helpful. For a site of only ten pages, I would have thought the chances are high that it is not using a CMS.

If you are using Wordpress, I would suggest Yoast SEO plugin too. More than easy to create sitemap with it.

Well there are many tools to create a site map most of them are paid but on free trial so here I am listing them.

  1. SlickPlan
  2. Dynomapper
    5.Screaming Frog XML File generator this one is free . so use this to create your sitemaps

HTML and XML sitemaps serve different purposes. An HTML sitemap is for human visitors; an XML one is for search engines.

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You can use free online tools to build sitemap to your site. Also use october cms to create sitemap.

You will get sitemap generator online. It is ultimately free also. If it is a small then can write it manually also.
I haven’t tried to write manually anyway

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If you have only ten pages, and you understand and can write HTML, then I can’t see why simply writing your own sitemap.xml file would be that much trouble.

A HTML sitemap for ten pages shouldn’t be all that much work either.

The problem with doing manual files is they will need to be edited when the number of pages grow. So if you are relatively certain there will always be only ten pages, I wouldn’t worry about what you use to create the files all that much, just do it and be done with it.

Since your website has 10 pages only, you can create your own HTML as well as XML sitemap. Or you can use sitemap generator sites to create both HTML and XML sitemaps.

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