Best PHP Framework 2015 Survey

I’m sure you know better than I

But it doesn’t seem so “basically” to me.

Laravel 5.0 introduces a fresh application structure to the default Laravel project. This new structure serves as a better foundation for building robust application in Laravel, as well as embraces new auto-loading standards (PSR-4) throughout the application. First, let’s examine some of the major changes:

True, many seem to be “additions” rather than potentially breaking changes, but still, there’s a lot there.

Whom does this apply to?

L5 introduces a new default app structure and a few design changes, but internally, it’s exactly the same. Many components haven’t changed at all. Compared to L3 → L4, this was really minor.

So then the main source of confusion is the choice of version numbering?
i.e. instead of going from 4.2 → 4.3 a change in the major version number leads one to believe it was a major change.

I think you’re misunderstanding what a major change could be? Semver says that any breaking change at all requires a major version bump. For example, symfony 3 is release in november this year, but will be a bit like L5 was coming from L4, for symfony 2 users. Quite far from an overhaul.

N.B. Symfony 2.x doesn’t strictly follow semver, but mainly does, and laravel doesn’t at all. All laravel’s minor releases should be major releases according to semver.

A bit late in the game for that with a week to go in the survey. Those using it can use the “Other” option.

@swader A bit late in the game for that with a week to go in the survey. Those using it can use the “Other” option.

Thanks for your kind response.

“May be late but game is not over”. :smile: A week to go. Would be great if you find any possibilities of adding to the list. May help someone.

Thank you!

2 @swader
I add task to my calendar and today one month (exactly) has gone but result still not appear.
Please, tell me the correct date of final results.



@Onore the results are live.

Thank you.

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