Oops, fired off too soon last time. Loads more mistakes in your tips for alt text…
The ‘rug’ example has not got it ‘almost right’, it has failed dismally. Alt is a required attribute for any <img>, so the example that you gave has two instances of invalid code - four if you count the unencoded “s in the text. The bullet should have alt=”" because it is purely decorative. The picture of the rug should probably have alt=“picture of rug” or a similar descriptive phrase, because it is used as a link, so users (and search engines!) need to know what it represents.
But the example is rubbish, even apart from the invalid HTML. It uses presentational HTML. It uses x instead of ×. It isn’t hard to write an example that follows good practice, so why copy an example that is so riddled with major and minor mistakes?
As a general rule, you should not use the word “logo” in alt text. Nobody needs to know that it’s a logo - it’s just five characters of fluff that detract from the rest of the page. It benefits neither users nor search engines to have alt=“MyPage logo” rather than alt=“MyPage”. The main exception is when the function of the <img> is to display logos, rather than to display branding.
You’ve glossed right over the reason why spelling and grammar are important for SEO. If your website is selling Samsnug electronics, because you didn’t spellcheck carefully, everyone who correctly types Samsung into the search engine is never going to find your site. Google is good at correcting misspelled search terms, but not so good at finding misspelled text.
Re #2 - none of this is difficult, time-consuming or expensive. It is BASIC. If you find it too difficult to give a page a useful <title>, or to give images appropriate alt text, or to not wantonly fill your page with Javascript - then you shouldn’t be writing web pages. Seriously.
The difference is between wanting to do a good job and not giving a wet slap. If you don’t care about the quality of your work, why bother doing it at all? It won’t be worth anything, and it reflects badly on your capabilities if you can do better.
Re #7: The advantage to not using tables is usually that you get a higher content-to-fluff ratio. Search engines like pages that have more content and less code.
It also means that you can front-load the page with the content, and have the navigation at the end of the source code (regardless of how it is laid out on screen), whereas if you want the nav on the left or at the top then with tables, you have to put it at the start of the source code.
Search engines rank content near the top of the page (ie source code) higher than content near the bottom (and most SEs don’t even index content below a certain point), so having the text at the top will improve your ratings.
Re #22: There’s a difference between being bad at spelling and having clumsy fingers. My spelling is excellent but I make mistakes because my fingers hit the wrong keys. That doesn’t mean that what I have to say isn’t worth reading … but if I don’t bother to correct the mistakes, that is when you can look down on me.