Automatically add a user to db after they have paid

Let me try and explain this the best I can. This is my ideal e-commerce process:

I would like to have paypal or someone else allow me to have someone pay me for a service online and when that person pays they are automatically added into my database. So that they can login and look at the information I provide.

How can I make this happen or is there something similar that I can use that would allow a user to pay first and then they are put into my database?

Thank you!

Account creation during checkout is a standard feature in most out-of-box shopping cart solutions. I honestly can’t think of one that doesn’t save the customer information for log in later if they choose.

Unless you are running some sort of service that requires reocurring billing or contact you don’t want to force your customers to create an account if they don’t want to. Many prefer the supposed anonymity of checking out as a “guest”. To the business owner they are not anonymous though. You can easily run reports based on unique identifiers such as name, address, or email to see who your true repeat customer are.

Can you tell me one besides paypal, bc all they do is send me an email to confirm the payment. I can’t find anyway to automate the process.


You can also do it using PayPal by using their Instant Update API.