Automatic slider

Hi everyone,

I want to create an automatic slider similar to the one they have in this webpage:

It is fluid and automatic, and when you put the mouse on any link of the slider it stops. In my case I will do the slider with data taken from a database, but I suppose that there won’t be any problem. I suppose that java will be necessary.

I have been looking for information but all are made with images and even if they are automatic, they are not fluid.

By fluid, do you mean that the images fade in / fade out instead of sliding in / sliding out?

Sorry, I´m not sure if I have understand you, but I mean that the speed is always the same, it has no acceleration in the transitions.

The transitions of the slider used on the website that you refer to are fast. The transitions fade (which I like) instead of slide. I do not use any sliders, but I believe there are a number of them that with the fading transition and “pause of hover” and are fully fluid (or responsive). Most, but certainly not all, use JavaScript or jQuery.

You can search SitePoint for sliders and read some of the recommendations.

You can google for sliders.

You can check back later (in a few hours) and see if anyone has left any personal recommendations in this thread.

I’m sure you can find something that fills your needs.


You appear to wish to reinvent the wheel…

There are literally hundreds of free to download sliders out there to choose from, and you wish to create one of your own? If you have to ask how, it’s too tricky for you to do. And forget Java - that’s taking a sledgehammer to a peanut. Slideshows are usually written in JQuery, which is a Javascript library and much easier than Java.

Google for Jquery slider reviews and look at the dozens that will be in each review, and select one that suits you - the reviews usually include a link to a demo or three of each slider. All will let you select the transition used between slides from a list of options built into it, and will let you set the time between slide changes. Most modern ones will be responsive and let the images change size to suit the browser viewpoint. Most include the option to stop on hover and re-commence when the mouse is removed as an option.

Most such sliders include a short list of images to use in the display, which you write into the code you will add to the head of your web page, so that bit will have to be written from a database query, probably using php. I assume when you say data from a database you can write the php necessary, and are probably either selecting images to suit different page topics, or selecting images are random from the database. Neither is particularly tricky to do.

The page in question is a wordpress page, but sliders exist for wordpress, many other content management systems, and ordinary web pages. If you are planning on using wordpress, or some other CMS, just include its name in your google query.

But don’t try to invent your own slider, unless you are a skilled jQuery writer looking for a challenge.

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