Assuming that it was an unintended error, here’s a first attempt.
The HTML code is quite simple, just being input fields. I’ve disabled the auto-filled fields for this initial demonstration to help give a visual indicator about things.
<p>Please enter an ip address, such as </p>
<p>The rest of the fields should autofill with incrementing values.</p>
<p>Input 1: <input name="input1"></p>
<p>Input 2: <input name="input2" disabled></p>
<p>Input 3: <input name="input3" disabled></p>
<p>Input 4: <input name="input4" disabled></p>
<p>Input 5: <input name="input5" disabled></p>
<p>Input 6: <input name="input6" disabled></p>
<p>Input 7: <input name="input7" disabled></p>
<p>Input 8: <input name="input8" disabled></p>
<p>Input 9: <input name="input9" disabled></p>
<p>Input 10: <input name="input10" disabled></p>
When the first input is changed, we can have it call a function to update the other ones:
const input = document.querySelector("[name=input1]");
input.addEventListener("change", ipInputHandler);
That ipInputHandler function can get the entered ip, and the other input fields, and pass them to a function that updates those other input fields. It’s usually best if the handler function is very simple, and passes work off to other functions.
function ipChangeHandler(evt) {
const input =;
const ip = input.value;
const inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input");
const otherInputs = Array.from(inputs).slice(1);
updateInputs(otherInputs, ip);
The updateInputs function just loops through the other inputs, giving them the next value.
function updateInputs(inputs, ip) {
inputs.forEach(function (input) {
ip = nextIp(ip);
input.value = ip;
And that nextIp function doesn’t at this stage have to be all that smart at all.
function nextIp(ip) {
var parts = ip.split(".");
if (parts[3] === "128") {
parts[2] = Number(parts[2]) + 1;
parts[3] = "0";
} else {
parts[3] = "128";
return parts.join(".");
A working example for this is up at
Hopefully this gives you a basis to work from.