Audio Files within HTML Email Templates?

I’ve been coding HTML templates for about 3 months now. I’ve experimented with HTML5 video (which has limited deliverability for most web clients), but about audio files?

Will I need to download a player and link that on my server along with the audio file?

All I want is a player that plays a short sound bite of what some of my products sound like.

What do I need to make that happen. Again, I’m just hard coding all this into HTML templates, I don’t use a email template editor.

You don’t actually need to use any extra players. HTML5 (or browsers) has a built-in audio and video players. For audio files, you just link to an audio file inside the <audio> element. (Same for videos inside the <video> element.)

There are lots of JS-based players that you can use. They add extra functionality, but they’re not essential—especially for something simple.

Why do you say that? All modern browsers deliver video just fine.

I meant email rendering engines, not web browsers. My mistake.

And I was asking about I know that javascript doesn’t always work that well with email clients (outlook, gmail, mobile email clients etc).

Are there actually JS players that load well with email clients? I know for web, not not so sure for email templating.

A lot of them strip out JS, so it’s just not a goer with email generally. Better just to link to the file online.


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