Attempting to create 1st MVC Framework in PHP - The confusion

I am attempting to create my first MVC framework. This is the edifice:

The Confusion:

I will work on the Live server.

Suppose I have a domain name with and in Hostgator, it is linked to the folder: avoid confusion folder can by the name of the sample or any other name and also by the name of in public_html), which is the root, but I have read at many places that in terms of security only public folder should have root access of that domain, but I was planning to practice under the path: main domain path in the folder public_html and subfolder of that path in public_html

what if I want to develop/install two MVC framework:
One at and another at www.sample.dom/mvcapp/ one domain can’t have two toot access for that domain.

Am I missing something or w/o concerning too much about the domains root access we can still deliver MVC with security and install/design/create multiple MVC on different subfolder/path of the same domain?

Yes. This:-

Don’t work on the live server during development.
Do it locally, and have as many roots/domains as you like.


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