Article: So Why Ruby?

An excerpt from, by Nihal Sahu

Just a few months ago, I moved from PHP to Ruby. This was not an easy transition, neither in the decision nor in the shift. I was using PHP and, ironically, I didn’t know I wasn’t enjoying it. Then, at a local meetup I was introduced to Ruby. The attendees showed me some specific features which blew me away. This post is the list of the 5 things that most captivate me about Ruby and lead me to use it everyday.

Ruby is My Best Friend

The first thing I came across was the website, and the tagline just hit me in the face:

That blew me away.

I’ve used programming languages that promise to give guidance, instruct, and give answers, but a language that’s my friend??? A language that tells me when I am about to make a bad decision but lets me do it anyway. A language and a community that appreciates my version of weird and is OK with my quirks. A language that tells me that all feelings are okay.

Seeing that was a hair raising moment. I was hooked.

It’s not that Ruby values programmer productivity, it’s that it values programmer happiness.

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