I just learned a new programming technical term, "Voodoo Programming…
is the act of programming via guesswork, superstition, or other non-logical means with program code that is not well understood, but used nonetheless by the programmer in question.
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I am not sure how you can program via “guesswork” or “superstition”.
Unless you have lots of time and believe the old “A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters…” line of logic.
Of course, to those who have no experience or understanding of computers or computer programming (and most likely get ALL their information from the way in which programmers are depicted on TV) what we do appears to be MAGICAL.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic” - Arthur C. Clarke
I think the term is used to describe how multiple jquery versions are included in order to use a single function from each library. Same applies to including numerous CSS files.
I often do that - ship over a dozen or so steps in the logic process to come up with a solution that works a lot faster with a lot less code but where no one else can understand why it works until I backtrack and work out all the logic steps that I skipped over so that I can finally explain it.
Programming can be an intuitive process rather than a logical one as long as you don’t have to explain why it works…