Applying a particular color to a combo

I have the following function which is assigning background colors to the text displayed in a table like this:


Here’s my function:

function setCSSColors(cellsInnerText, row, cellsIndex) {
  let x = cellsInnerText;
  if (x.includes("PET")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "petClass";
  } else if (x.includes("VIC")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "vicClass";
  } else if (x.includes("NED")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "nedClass";
  } else if (x.includes("FAM")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "famClass";
  } else if (x.includes("HEX")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "hexClass";
  } else if (x.includes("TAMRA")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "tamraClass";
  } else if (x.includes("Cy5")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "cyfiveClass";
  else if (x.includes("FAM/ZEN/IBFQ")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "famComboClass";

And above function is getting called from another function like this:

function colorTableCells(tableObject, pageName) {
  if (pageName === "pageOne") {
    var tables = tableObject;
    for (var j = 0; j < tables.length; j++) {
      var table = tables[j];
      for (var i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
        if (i != 0) {
          var row = table.rows[i];
          if (row.cells.length > 1) {
            var x = row.cells[1].innerText;
           setCSSColors(x, row, 1);
  } else if (pageName === "pageTwo" || pageName === "pageThree") {
    var table = tableObject;
    for (var i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
      if (i != 0) {
        var row = table.rows[i];
        if (row.cells.length > 1) {
          let x = row.cells[2].innerText;
          setCSSColors(x, row, 2);

And here are my CSS colors defined:


famClass {
  background: lightblue;
.famComboClass {
	background: #034694;

.petClass {
  background: red;

.nedClass {
  background: yellow;

.vicClass {
  background: lightgreen;

.hexClass {
  background: #40ff00;

.tamraClass {
  background: orange;

.cyfiveClass {
  background: pink;

I’m trying to apply a different color to this combo FAM/ZEN/IBFQ using famComboClass CSS but it’s still adding famClass with light blue color. Any idea how can I apply a specific color to the above combo? famClass seems to be taking precedence over famClassCombo.

that’s because

  } else if (x.includes("FAM")) {

and famClass … famClassCombo.

rename the generic class to something else if you want this to work…

I’d ditch the idea at this point and instead use if all the way down, ADDING classes to the classlist rather than setting classname.
Also, assuming you use / for every class, you can make the javascript much reducable if you’re flexible on the class names:


function setCSSColors(cellsInnerText, row, cellsIndex) {


.PET {
  background-color: ...
.VIC {
 background-color: ...
background-color: ...  //Only applies if BOTH are present...

I changed the class name like this:

.comboClass {
	background: #034694;

and the else if like this:

 else if (x.includes("FAM/ZEN/IBFQ")) {
    row.cells[cellsIndex].className = "comboClass";

But still it didn’t work.

Btw, I’ve updated my post with some more info about colorTableCells function.

If you chain them all together with elseif, it will execute only the first one it comes across that is true. (Hint: } else if (x.includes("FAM")) { is true…)

I believe the above approach might not be applicable to table? I’ve updated my post to include how the function is getting called inside colorTableCells function.

Assuming that row.cells[cellsIndex] is pointing at an element, it should be applicable. I can’t tell from your code what tableObject is, but i’m assuming its a standard table element.

Yes, it’s a standard table element. the reason I’ve two if statement is because for pageOne, I am getting the tableObject like this in my pageOne code which used getElementsByName:

var tables = document.getElementsByName("myTableInPageOne");
let pageName = "pageOne";

whereas, in case of other two pages pageTwo and pageThree

I have it like this (using getElementsById) :

var tables = document.getElementsById("myTableInPageTwo");
let pageName = "pageTwo";

Similarly for pageThree

Wouldn’t your approach require me to convert all table to divs?

Works for me.

And using getElementsByName and getElementsById instead of getElementsByTagName shouldn’t create any issues, right? As I believe I have multiple tables in pageOne and other pages and hence just getElementsByTagName might not be the best choice for me.

colorTableCells(document.getElementsByTagName("table"), "pageOne");

I tried colorTableCells(document.getElementsById("target"), "pageOne"); and it stopped working.

your function colorTableCells is expecting the first parameter to be an array. getElementById returns a single value (hence Element instead of Elements, like the other functions use). If you want to pass a single value, you’d have to change that function.

PS: getElementsById isnt a function. Which is probably why it doesnt work. An ID is supposed to be unique.

So since I’ve tables with name and id in different pages, I would end up using getElementsByName and getElementsById instead of getElementsByTagName. Is that what you were referring to? Thanks!

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