Application design help


As I was saying in a previous thread, I’m working on an open source link directory script and I need some advice.

Currently, the application consists of two main directories: content and app.
the content directory stores the website’s files while the app directory stores the built-in classes and it follows the MVC pattern.

I was thinking of a way to make available 3rd party classes into the built-in controllers, so the best I could come up was to create a bridge between them and my built-in classes, and that bridge to be the config object, object that stores all my configuration settings and passed as the only argument to some of my built-in classes(Controller, Language, etc…).

So in my indexController, I have a public property called $config which holds the reference to the $config object and because of that all 3rd party references would be available in all my controllers so I can make use of them inside my views.

Would this be the right approach?

thank you in advance!