Append as fourth element

How can I append me element as the fourth one in my long list of elements. Right now it is being appended to the bottom of all my elements.


If pm_form is a form you can use the form’s elements array to locate the insertion point.

You can do this with collections like images and links as well, but most containers contain whitespace nodes that may throw off your count.

For these you can use a getElementsByTagName list, if there is no nesting.

With nested elements you’d use the childNodes array of the containing element, and check each node until you match your tag 4 times.

var pa= container, node= pa.firstChild, count= 0;
while(node && count<4){
	if(node.tagName== 'SPAN') count++;
	node= node.nextSibling;
if(node) pa.insertBefore(newnode, node);
else pa.appendChild(newnode)