Ampersand character for slash or back slash

“& gt;” is for greater than
“& lt;” is for less than

Is there any ampersand characters like the above for “slash” or “back slash” not only “greater than” and “less than”?

HI there joon1,

this link…

Character Entity Reference Chart

…could probably solve your particular problem,
and possibly some others. :winky:



Perhaps we should have a competition of special characters :slight_smile:


Are you sure this is a PHP question? Or is it a HTML question? I assume it is a HTML question and @coothead’s assumption is accurate.

It is far less likely that we need to escape slash and backslash. The reason why < and > is used so often is that < and > are critical parts of HTML.

Note that you can use a Numeric character reference when you do not know the Character entity reference (ampersand character).

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