I didn’t test in regex101 or elsewhere, so I may be off, but the right columns are what in the example string those patterns match.
So depending on how closely your example string is to any actual strings you are using the pattern with, it may or may not be able to be reduced in size.
Only you can make that decision because you are the one that knows what strings you are working with and what you need to be done with them.
However, any pattern that finds the same matches as sub-patterns with an optional in it could probably be removed safely, no?
No, it is one of my idiosyncrasies to sometimes put neologisms (made up words) inside of quotes.
In this case, a simple regex pattern might be
the pipe character - the | - is a “logical OR”
So when I posted the “ors” I was referring to the patterns separated by the logical ORs
I was hoping you would understand that and I could get away cheap, but …
In this case they are meaningless. I used code fencing to preserve tabs and Discourse highlights code to make it easier to spot strings, functions etc. Very helpful for actual code examples, pseudo-tables not so much.