All you need for learning, building, validating and publishing accessible web sites. Please be so kind and give this post a vote! Maybe also a rate? PLEASE REPORT BROKEN LINKS!
[b][color=red]COOL STUFF![/color][/b]
[b]The need for Accessibility:[/b] []( :tup: - [b][color=Red]NEW[/color][/b]
[b]Excellent Accessibility Resources List:[/b] [](
[b]Why is Accessibillity Important to You? [/b][color=Blue][](
[/color][b]Skip Navigation Links are Important: [/b][color=Blue][[color=Blue]n.html[/color]]([/color][color=Blue][color=Blue] [/color][i][b][color=Red]
[/color][/b][/i][/color] [size=2][color=Red][b][color=black]Avoid forcing links to open in a new window:[/color][/b][color=Blue][u][]([/u][/color][/color][/size][color=Blue][i][b][color=Red]
[/color][/b][/i][/color][size=2][color=Red][color=Black][b]Don' open new windows (tutorial) [/b][/color][color=Blue][]([/color][/color][/size] [b]
Web Design [/b][b]References - Accessibility (everything you need...) [/b][[color=blue][/color]]( :tup:
[b]Semantic Markup (must check!) [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]How to Save Web Accessibility from Itself[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b][i][color=black]Accessible Web Design - weekly tips[/color][/i][/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[color=red][color=#000000][i][b]WebAim Accessibility Techniques & Concepts [/b][[color=blue][/color]]( [/i][/color]
[u][i][b][color=blue]FREE ONLINE ACCESSIBILITY TUTORIALS:[/color][/b][/i][/u]
[b]1. How-To: Accessible Web Design [/b][color=red][[color=blue][/color]]( [/color]
[b]2. Making Educational Software and Web Sites Accessible - [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]3. Accessibility for Web Developers - Introduction [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]4. WebAim Introduction to Web Accessibility[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]5. SitePoint - Introduction To Accessible Web Design, by Nigel Peck [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]6. SitePoint - Do-It-Yourself Accessibility by Nicky Danino[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]7. Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center[/b] [[color=blue][/color]]( [color=red][b](Free registration required)[/b][/color]
[b]8. Bobby [/b][color=black][b]Report Explanation Files [/b][/color][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]9. HiSoftware® Understanding Accessibility [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]10. Web Accessibility Learning Modules [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]11. Dive Into Accessibility [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]12. Juicy Studio Accessibility Tutorial:[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]13. Designing Universally Accessible WWW Resources for People with Disabilities [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]14. Making Your Site Accessible [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]15. W3C Example for Checkpoint [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]16. Accessibility[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]17. WebDevTips Accessibility Tutorial[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]18. The National Center on Low-Incidence Disabilities (NCLID)[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]19. - U.S Section 508 [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]20. School Web Accessibility[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]21. Accessible Web Typography - an introduction for web designers [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[color=blue][i][b][u]FREE ONLINE ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGY TUTORIALS[/u][/b][/i]
[b]Adaptive Technology Tutorials [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b][i]1. Readability and Accessibility[/i] [/b]
[]W3C/WAI Guideline 14. Ensure that documents are clear and simple: [color=blue][/color]
[]Readability and its Implications for Web Content Accessibility: [color=blue][/color]
[/list]2. Accessible Anchors (links)
[]Accessible Anchors [color=blue][/color]
[]Skipping over navigation links [color=blue][/color]
[/list]3. Building Accessible Forms
[]General rules for web forms [color=blue][/color]
[]Forms and Accessibility [color=blue][/color]
[]Better Accessible Forms [color=blue][/color]
[]Forms Accessibility [color=blue][/color]
[]Designing Accessible Forms [color=blue][/color]
[]Forms Refresher [color=blue][/color]
[/list]4. Designing Accessible Tables
[]How to Create Accessible Tables [color=blue][/color]
[]Designing Accessible Tables [color=blue][/color]
[]Table Manners [color=blue][/color]
[]Building accessible tables [color=blue][/color]
[]Accessible Tables [color=blue][/color]
[]Favorite Tips [color=blue][/color]
[/list]5. Using Alt Tags
[]Providing text equivalents for images [color=blue][/color]
[]Improving accessibility with accesskey in HTML forms and links [color=blue][/color]
[]Limited Number of possible accesskey values [color=blue][/color]
[]Effective Alt Text [color=blue][/color]
[]On the length of alt texts [color=blue][/color]
[]Making web graphics accessible [color=blue][/color]
[*]Revealing Accesskey Information [color=blue][/color]
[/list]6. Using Accesskeys
[]Improving accessibility with accesskey in HTML forms and links [color=blue][/color]
[]Device Independence [color=blue][/color]
[]Use numbers for accesskeys [color=blue][/color]
[]Alt and beyond: Making web graphics accessible [color=blue][/color]
[*]Unlocking Hidden Navigation [color=blue][/color]
[/list]7. Using Tabindex
[*]W3C/WAI about Tabindex [color=blue][/color]
[/list]8. Using Longdesc
[]Demonstration of the LONGDESC attribute and the “d” link [color=blue][/color]
[]Attribute for <IMG …> LONGDESC = “URL” [color=blue][/color]
[*]Making images more useful [color=blue][/color]
[/list]9. Using Colors
[]Colors Tutorial [color=blue][/color]
[]Type and color [color=blue][/color]
[*]Hex/RGB Converting Tutorial and vice versa [color=blue][/color]
[/list]10. Use Relative or Absolute Font Sizes?
[]Care With Font Size [color=blue][/color]
[]Font sizes [color=blue][/color]
[]Using relative font sizes [color=blue][/color]
[]Accessible web text - sizing up the issues [color=blue][/color]
[]Font size: the ‘font-size’ and ‘font-size-adjust’ properties [color=blue][/color]
[]What’s wrong with the FONT element? [color=blue][/color]
[]Size matters [color=blue][/color]
[]Making Text Legible [color=blue][/color]
[/list]11. Animated Graphics and Seizures
[*]How to Create Accessible Graphics [color=blue][/color]
[/list]12. Skip Navigation or to Content link
[color=black][b]- [/b][/color][b]Avoid forcing links to open in a new window [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]- Skipping over navigation links[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]- Skip to Main Content Link[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b][i]13. Creating Accessible PDF Files[/i][/b]
[*]How to Create Accessible Adobe PDF Files Booklet [color=blue][/color]
[/list]14. Creating Accessible PowerPoint Files
[*]PowerPoint - The Recommended Method [color=blue][/color]
“Building accessible websites” by Joe Clark [color=blue][/color]
[u][b][i][color=blue]ONLINE CLASSES:[/color][/i][/b][/u]
[b]1. Online Training Program in Web Accessibility [/b][[color=Blue][/color]]( [color=Red][i][b](in coopeation with WebAIM)[/b][/i][/color]
[b]2. Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI)[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]3. REHAB711NC: Designing Universally Accessible Web Resources[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]1. Webnauts Net (More-In-One) [/b][[color=blue][/color]]( - [b][color=#ff0000]Page conforms Prioriry 3 of the W3C/WAI-AAA Guidelines!
[color=Black]2. (All-In-One): [/color][/color][/b][color=Blue][u][]([/u][/color]
[b]3. Bobby[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]4. Web Aim Waive[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]5. CythiaSays[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]6. UsableNet[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]7. Watchfire[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[color=Black][b]8. Hera (for manual testing)[/b][/color] [u][color=Blue][/color][/u]
[color=Black][b]9. W3C [size=2]Web Content Accessibility Checking Service [/size][/b][u][size=2][color=Blue][/color][/size][/u][b][size=2]
[color=blue][i][u][b]WEB ACCESSIBILITY TOOLS AND UTILITIES[/b][/u][/i]
[b]1. A-Prompt Web Accessibility Verifier [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]2. A-Prompt Web Accessibility Verifier [color=red](German)[/color][/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]3. HiSoftware® Accessible Form Creator[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]4. Accessify Acrobot - Abbreviation and Acronym Generator[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]5. Accessify accessible form builder (version 2)[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]6. Accessify Pop-up Window Generator[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]7. NCAM Media Access Generator (MAGpie)[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]8. STEP 508 [/b][color=Blue][]([/color][color=Blue][i][b][color=Red] [/color][/b][/i][/color]
[font=Arial][color=black][b]Windows Shareware[/b][/color][/font][font=Arial][color=black][b] and Freeware[/b][/color][/font][color=black] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][b][i]for People with Disabilities[/i]
[color=blue][b][i][u]COLORS TESTING TOOLS AND UTILITIES[/u][/i][/b]
[b]1. Considering the Color Blind Design[/b] [b]Evaluation:[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]2. Colour Contrast Analyser:[/b] [color=blue][u][](
[/u][/color][b]3. Colour Picker and Tester:[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]4. Color Metric Converter: [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]5. Colour transformations - Decimal:[/b] [u][color=blue]
[/color][/u][color=blue][b][color=black]6. Colours confused with neutrals (Hex):[/color][/b] [[color=blue][/color]]([/color]
[color=blue][u][i][b]BOOKS FOR WEB ACCESSIBILITY[/b][/i][/u]
[b]1. Maximum Accessibility - Making Your Web Site More Usable for Everyone, by J. Slatin & S. Rush[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]2. Building accessible websites, by Joe Clark [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]3. WEB Accessibility for People with Disabilities, by M. G. Paciello [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[b]4. Accessible Web Sites, by Jim Thatcher and others[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]5. Computer and Web Resources for People with Disabilities, by Stephen Hawking[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b][u][i][color=blue]SOME USEFUL RESOURCES FOR ACCESSIBILITY[/color][/i][/u][/b]
[b][i]1. How People with disabilities use the Web[/i][/b]
[]W3C - How People with Disabilities Use the Web:[color=blue][/color]
[]How do disabled people use computers? [color=blue][/color]
[]Disability and the Web: [color=blue][/color]
[]Browse tips by physical disability: [color=blue][/color]
[*]How People with Disabilities Use The Web [color=blue][/color]
[/list]2. A Guide to Making Documents Accessible to People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired by Jennifer Sutton.
The inclusion of products or services in the body of this guide and the accompanying appendices should not be viewed as an endorsement by the American Council of the Blind. Resources have been compiled for informational purposes only, and the American Council of the Blind makes no guarantees regarding the accessibility or quality of the cited references. More: [color=blue][/color]
[b][i]3. Accessibility Statement[/i][/b]
[]Creating an accessibility statement [color=blue][/color]
[]Writing and posting the policy [color=blue][/color]
[/list]4. Words With Dignity - describing people with a disability
- Terms suggested to describe persons with a disability [color=blue][/color]
- Treating Users with Disabilities as People [color=blue][/color]
- Guidelines for Reporting and Writing about People with Disabilities [color=blue][/color]
5. Convicing Clients to Pay for Accessibility
[b]Why Accessible Web Design is important for Business[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Accessible Web sites are attractive[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Accessibility Arguments Revisited[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Buy standards compliant Web sites[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Websites: think the way your customers think[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[b]Promoting and Advertising Your Accessibility [/b][[color=blue][/color]](
[i][color=black][b]6. [font=Arial]Accessibility in Distance Education[/font][/b][/color][/i]
[b]A Resource for Faculty in Online Teaching[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](
[i][b]7. Guidelines[/b][/i]
[color=black][b]Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 [/b][[color=blue][/color]]([/color]
[b]Trace Center Collation of Access Board's 508 FINAL RULE and GUIDES[/b] [[color=blue][/color]](