It’s pretty frustrating that i don’t know how to create these CSS3 advanced techniques in HTML… i have no problem creating complete websites, but when it comes to special or advanced skills i get stuck… and i am really wondering what attributes are the using and how it’s actually made… do the use margins… paddings… display; absolute, responsive… etc etc to accomplish these effects? I watched a lot of movies in HTML/CSS3 designs… but i never seen that in the movie advanced topics are being discussed on how to create cool effects.
If you give us the websites where they use these techniques we can tell you more. Otherwise we would be purely speculating as to how they did it (unless that’s what you want?)
To be quite honest, I don’t think you should worry about really advanced CSS. Learn the fundamentals. Most “advanced” techniques are very simple.
That line can be done many of ways. They put the yellow line on a :before pseudo element and has it extend 100%, then they have the box centered as well in a DIFFERENT element (completely unerlated) and allow the overlap.
They can be centered very easy (not even advanced). All those LIs are holding each image. Set the LIs to inline-block and set the parent UL to text-align:center. I even use it on my website.
Stuff really isn’t as advanced as you may think. They just make it look good.