Adsense on Forum - Members with signature links to poker and casino sites?

I’ve got Adsense ads on my business forum. A new member has a link to a poker site and a link to a casino site in her signature. Will allowing those links to remain, put my Adsense account in danger?


There is possibility of acting by adsense against you. I had placed some ads on my site, so that adsense is penalized me by giving public service ads. But, they didn’t banned me so far.

Have you asked for advice on this in the Google AdSense help forum?

Most likely not, but why allow them in the first place?

It’s easier to just nip that sort of thing in the bud rather than waiting until you have 50 members with those types of links in their sigs.

Thanks for the reply tke71709. Mostly I agree with you, although my answer to your question below gives a slightly different perspective.

Because it’s a business forum for owners of online and offline businesses. Those sites are also businesses and their owners are more likely to participate on our forum, if they can include the link in their signature.

Proudirish… that makes no sense whatsoever, surely you’re not saying that because you want businesses to be involved in your forum you will allow them to have essentially a “free pass” to have whatever they want in their signature? All forums should maintain a set of standards and rules for the safety and security of the community, you can’t just say that if it’s their business it’s OK. What if some business started posting porn or drug sales on your website because that’s their business, what if it was an illegal activity… what if it was kiddie porn? You need to impose some rules with businesses in the same manner as with individuals… yes those people may be less inclined to join your forum but do you really want people with businesses that may be violatory to Google or the law contributing their signatures on your website? I wouldn’t want to run the risk, especially as YOU will be legally responsible for whatever they post, even if it’s illegal. :slight_smile:

yes, adsense doesn’t allow casino links. the content policies apply to the content on your page as well as links.