Adding specific rows in the table

this POST could have been posted in the database forum,nonetheless PHP code might be the solution here…

In my app/site business users are called to enter their services that they offer.Imagine now the scenario that the user has already entered one service(for example,on registration) and he/she comes to add another one(or more).The form will be something like this to get an understanding:fiddle

Just click the the black diagonal line.
And the question is how am I going to send to the database only the newly added service(everything is done with ajax)
Here is the HTML of the already stored row in the db.

<input class="services text" data-service="11" size="40" value="hair" type="text" name="service0">

the data-service number above is the ID stored in the db…just in case this info might help.
Any ideas?

Any newly added service does not have a service number, right?

On MySQL level I’d solve that by INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... in case an existing service was modified.

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