Add review box by function at top or bottom of content by filter


 add_filter( 'the_content', 'sandy_posts_filter' );
       function sandy_posts_filter( $content )
      global $post;
      $review_box_pos =get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'repeatable_fields', true );

    if (is_array($review_box_pos)) {
        foreach ($review_box_pos as $key => $val) {

        switch ($val[nameooz]) {
            case 'top':
                $content = sandy_reviews() . $content;

            case 'bottom':

            //$content .= "Extra Content"  ;  Work at footer Perfect//
            $content .= sandy_reviews()  ; //shown at top only !!!

        } //End Switch



return  $content ;


//////////////////// Reviews Box ///////////////////////
function sandy_reviews() {
    $get_meta = get_post_custom($current_ID);
    $reviews = (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'repeatable_fields', true));

    $sumArray = array();
    if (is_array($reviews))
    foreach($reviews as $k => $val) {
    foreach($val as $id => $value) {
    $sumArray[$id] += $value;

    $Reviwes_count = count($reviews);
    $Total_Reviwes = round(($sumArray[range] / $Reviwes_count), 1);

    if (!empty($reviews)) { ?>
            <div class = "reviews-box" >
            <div class = "reviews-box-title" >
    $get_meta = get_post_custom($current_ID);

    if (!empty($reviews))
    foreach($reviews as $val) {
    echo $val["nameoo"];
    } ?>

    //Get Round Number
    if (!empty($reviews))
    foreach($reviews as $key => $val) {
    if (!empty($val[range]))

    $reviews_title = $val[nameoo];
    $ranges = $val[range];
    $range1 = ($val[range] * 0.01) * (5);
    $range2 = floor(($range1 * 2) / 2);

    $Reviwes = ($range1 * 20);

        <div class = "reviews-box-row" >
        <div class = "reviews-box-keywords" > <?php echo $val[name]; ?> </div> <div class = "reviews-box-ranges" >
        <span style = "display: block;float:left; width: 65px; height: 13px; background: url( <?php echo get_template_directory_uri();?>/images/star-rating-sprite.png) 0 0;" >
        <span style = "display: block;float:left; width: <?php echo $ranges.'%';?>; height: 13px; background: url( <?php echo get_template_directory_uri();?>/images/star-rating-sprite.png) 0 -13px;" > </span> </span> <?php
        echo "</div></div>";}
        <div class = "reviews-box-percent" > Summary </div>
        <!-- <div class="reviews-box-ranges"><?php //echo ($val[range]*0.01)*(5);?></div> -->
        <div class = "reviews-box-ranges-percent" >
        <div class = "Total_Reviwes" > <?php echo $Total_Reviwes.""; ?> </div>
        <span style = "display: inline-block; margin:0 auto;width: 65px; height: 13px; background: url( <?php echo get_template_directory_uri();?>/images/star-rating-sprite.png) 0 0;" >
        <span style = "display: block; margin:0 auto;float:left;width: <?php echo $Total_Reviwes.'%';?>; height: 13px; background: url( <?php echo get_template_directory_uri();?>/images/star-rating-sprite.png) 0 -13px;" > </span> </span>


    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";

//////////////////// Reviews Box END///////////////////////

1- Why this function not shown at bottom of content ?
2- Why when we used this filter at top of content it’s show review box at
summary of content at category page !!

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