Add a page to another page

Well guys, I was wondering how can I add a page to another.

Example: The “Contact Us” of my company will be based on the page “Service” from that bank (Example).

I wonder how I can create a separate page in the format of the example image (contact-content.php) and include in page.php, but with the condition if and only if it is the page “Contact Us”.

I started writing the code but could not finish it:

This is my page.php

<?php get_header();?><!--AQUI FICA O HEADER-->

    <div id="content"><!--INICIO DIV CONTENT-->

        <div id="page_content"><!--INICIO DIV PAGE_CONTENT-->

            <?php if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>

                <span class="titulo"><?php the_title();?></span>
                <?php the_content();?>

            <?php endwhile; else:?>
            <?php endif;?>

        </div><!--FIM DIV SINGLE_CONTENT-->

    </div><!--FIM DIV CONTENT-->

I hope that you’d understand,
thank you.

Edit: Actually I’m just going to create the contents of the “Contact Us” and want it to be included if and only if the page in question is itself

You could do a few things:
1- make a partial file called contactinfo.php or whatever.
in page.php you can try

<?php if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
 <span class="titulo"><?php the_title();?></span>
   <?php if (is_page("Contact Us"){
       include("contactinfo.php"); }
 <?php endwhile; else:?>
<?php endif;?>

2, you can make a seperate file that contains everything: header, service stuff, footer. Put that file in your theme folder. The first lines of the file need to be:

 *Template Name: Whatever-you-want 

Make a new page, on the right you should see a page template drop down box, choose yours.

Thanks @rguy84.
I got it!

…but, If I want add more specific pages. How code would like?

<?php if (have_posts()): while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
 <span class="titulo"><?php the_title();?></span>
   <?php if (is_page("Contact Us"){
       include("contactinfo.php"); }

   <?php if (is_page("Other Page"){
       include("otherpage.php"); }

   <?php if (is_page("Another Page"){
       include("anotherpage.php"); }

 <?php endwhile; else:?>
<?php endif;?> 

Like that? ^

Anyone? :S

Hey friend, Is this method is working?

ShinoRex, I guess not. That’s why I want to know how to do.