Access to all childs from a div?


I would like to know if it’s possible to do this:

I have this

<div id="father">
     <div id="firstchild">
            <div class="group-item entry-2"></div>
            <div class="group-item entry-3"></div>
            <div class="group-item entry-4"></div>

I would like to change the div class of all the childs inside firstchild (but I don’t know how many of them could be there (because those are generated dynamically, so maybe there will be 2 or 30).

It’s possible to do something like this?

I have tried this:

var firstc = document.getElementById('firstchild');

and this:

var matches = document.querySelectorAll('group-item entry-');

But it didn’t work…
What I’m doing wrong?



var grandchildren = document.getElementById('firstchild').children;
for(z=0 ; z<grandchildren.length ; z++) {

BTW: you need closing </div> tags for the grandchildren.

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That’s a key point, these need to be closed e.g.
<div class="group-item entry-2"></div>

If you want to select a class with querySelectorAll you need to use the dot notation. Similarly for an id you need to use a hash(#), as per CSS.

e.g. document.querySelectorAll('#firstchild .group-item')

To add classes to them you will need to loop through the returned nodeList. You can use a for loop, a for of loop or forEach to do this

Yeah, sorry I forgot to close the divs. I wrote that example here and totally forgot.

The script works wonderful. I want to use that script also in another possible scenario but seems is not working.

This is the other scenario:

<div id="father">

  <div class="empty">
    <div class="empty">
       <div id="firstchild">
         <div class="empty">
           <div class="empty">
              <div class="group-item entry-2"></div>
              <div class="group-item entry-3"></div>
              <div class="group-item entry-4"></div>

As you can see between father and first child there are two divs, and the same between first child and group-item entries.

I managed to access to father and firstchild using this script:

var firstc= document.getElementById('father');

firstc.children[0].children[0].children[0].setAttribute("id", "firstchild");

var second = document.getElementById('firstchild');    
var grandchildren = second.children[0].children[0].children[0];
for(z=0 ; z<grandchildren.length ; z++) {

It’s because the script only allows direct childs? Example: Edit fiddle - JSFiddle - Code Playground


Just a word of caution you are defining a global z there

for(z=0 ; z < 5 ; z++) {
  // do something here
console.log(window.z) // 5 <-- global

Using let will fix that.
for (let z = 0; z < grandchildren.length; z++)


The issue with going down the route — apart from readability — of using children, is if you need to change your html at some point, say wrap the group-item divs in another div, then the code falls apart.

If you can target the group-item class instead with querySelectorAll then that shouldn’t be as much of a problem. You could be a bit more fine grain about it if you wanted.

document.querySelector('#first-child .group-item[class*="entry-"]')

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Hi, thanks for the fast answer. Yeah, most likely that’s the best way to do. But sometimes I can’t target group-item by class and that’s why also I ask here to get a way to do.

This will not be changed for a while so accessing using children route it’s fine for this exceptional use case. I would like to know how to fix the script to edit all the divs inside .children[0].children[0].children[0]


Why not just use a simple css selector?

The following will give you all of the group-item elements:

var groupItems = document.querySelectorAll("#firstchild .group-item");
  (groupItem) => groupItem.classList.add("slide")

That’s a highly reliable way that is guaranteed on keep on working through

I suggested something similar in post#3.

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That’s why I’m asking, “why not?”

To just ignore your good advice and go on some other tangent seems strange, so I’m hoping to learn more about the reasons why.

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Hi @Paul_Wilkins and @rpg_digital.
Thanks for answering.

I think I should have explained from the start what’s going on. But in my real scenario the divs that have the class name “group-item entry…” don’t exist with that name.

I thought it was a good idea to put them a name to make them visible and which ones I would like to target but I think that confused everything.

This would be the real scenario

<div id="father">

       <div id="firstchild">
              <div class="random63637236"></div>
              <div class="generic"></div>
              <div class="italy_gdgd"></div>

That’s why wanted to try accessing to firstchild.children[0].children[0].children[0] and the do the class name for all the encountered divs

Hope this helps to understand better


I take it that the class=“empty” doesn’t exist either in the real-world scenario either?

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Yes, you’re right. I have removed also the empty class from those just wanted to make them more visible here.

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Well, mystery solved. We had a sound solution for a problem that didn’t exist.

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