A rowspan on a 'tr' in html email?

This may sound naive, but;
I am trying to get my head around html emails- which entails learning to code the ‘wrong’ or oldschool way. (I only started with web about a year ago- and am only familiar with good semantics/css coding)- So this whole designing with tables is really confusing.
I am using the sitepoint book (stunning html emails) which is very insightful for just about everything EXCEPT the coding.
I have been studying it closely (and painfully), and begin to get the jist of things. What I don’t understand, and can’t find an explanation for is this:

What is the deal of using a rowspan on a row? I thought that rowspan was for td and th. I don’t understand the structural working here.

Can someone shead some light here?

The ROWSPAN is not available on a table row so without an example I don’t have a clue and it doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Yes, that is exactly what I thought (I had checked MANY references before I made my first post). also why I am so confused: site point uses it in their sample code:
here an excerpt:

<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
          <td align="center" class="dotsHoriz"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <tr align="left" rowspan="3" valign="top">
                <td width="15" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p>&nbsp;</p></td>
                <td width="330" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="mainbar"><p><a name="article2" href="#"><img src="http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/images/000007532236.jpg" alt="So the tall hitman says to the short hitman..." width="330" height="165" /></a></p>

                  <h3><a href="#">Hot Hats for Henchman</a></h3>
                  <p>Stand out from the crowd with this years selection of henchman headwear that's both attractive and functional. Available in a range of fashion colours, and perfect for the balding baddy.</p>
<p>Beware, not every head can handle a hat, so take our hat quiz before you buy.</p>
                  <p class="more"><a href="#">Meet the milliner</a></p></td>
                <td width="15" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="dotsVert"><p>&nbsp;</p></td>
                <td width="15" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p>&nbsp;</p></td>
                <td width="190" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="sidebar"><p><a href="#"><img src="http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/images/000000222930.jpg" alt="How to aim your gun like a real man would" width="190" height="165"></a></p>

                  <h3><a href="#">Never outshoot the boss!</a></h3>
                  <p>Henchman Ettiquette Expert Aunty Blake answers your tricky questions about showing up the boss in a fire fight.</p>
                <p class="more"><a href="#">Read more</a></p></td>
                <td width="15" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p>&nbsp;</p></td>

I also attached the file, so it is in its context.

Got any ideas here what they are doing here?

Actually, I had never paid attention to this. I have never used it that way and I can’t really say why they do this. I guess to avoid a certain bug. That would be the only explanation I can find.

According to the recommendation, the attribute rowspan should be used in TD and TH elements.

It might be Book Errata or something? Else some absolutely weird hack regarding an long forgotten email client. Maybe this should be moved to the SitePoint Books forums.

Yep. I’m moving it. After looking for 30 min. I couldn’t get any satisfactory answers about this, if any at all. I did find a tutorial which used it ( :eek: ) but it didn’t say a thing about why this worked.