A marketing forum that doesnt allow signatures. LOL

Guys there are plenty of forums out there that allow signatures, I would suggest go find one and leave this forum. Wow. It makes no sense for a forum not to allow signatures.

I’m sorry you are unhappy about that, but I’m not sure how we could have made it more clear. After all, it is our second rule…


It really depends upon your reasons for using a forum. These forums are for discussing and finding/giving help on the many aspects of web development, and to that end they are very good.
If you are here purely for self promotion or to create “back-links” you are in the wrong place indeed.
There is a strict zero tolerance policy on spam and self promotion which is important in maintaining the quality of the forums and all outgoing links are marked nofollow.
Most users don’t want to visit a spam-fest, those that do are welcome to look elsewhere.

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