Originally published at: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-code-playgrounds/
Messing around with experimental code is easy thanks to several free online development playgrounds. Craig Buckler looks at seven of the best…
How about online playground PlayCode.io?
I like ScratchPad.io because it is easy to create a HTML and CSS web page. The feature I like best is that pages are retained, but I don’t know for how long. Site is also very quick to load, unlike many of the JavaScript alternatives.
Glitch.com is another good one! It’s geared towards fullstack projects, but what I like most is that your projects are added as a sub.domain vs a sub/folder. This is great for projects that make use of browser permissions (webcam/mic/notifications) as permissions are domain based.
On CodePen if you accept a permission for one project you accept it for all of them, whereas on Glitch you only accept it for that one project. This also gives you greater control over CORS and other server side things!