5 column drop sitemap layout, is CSS3 Multi Columns overkill?

@ronpat @PaulOB A huge Grazie Mille for helping achieve my footer nav, i really like it! Here is a live example: http://www.davidclick.com/clickimage.html

In my quest for understanding CSS better ive got a question for anyone with the time / patience.
Question 1: The last time I made li items stack out horizonatally I used to use : display: inline;
now i see a different technique. Am i right in saying its the use of flex box thats causing the li items to display inline? Here is the code illustrated which I think cause the li items to appear like a horizontal nav:

Question 2: The sub nav was invisible when I hovered over it, and by a bit of brutal copy and paste from another site I fixed it. But why did it work? I get z index in terms of stacking order but what was hiding it in the first place?

If any one has a bit of CSS theory they could throw my way I’d be eternally grateful :slight_smile:

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