I have a codeigniter which works very fine on a local machine. After uploading this project to a hosted server, i start getting this error:
“404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found.”
I have tried several method to resolve it but still getting the same error message. bellow are my files.
Below is my config.php file showing the base url of my application:
@John_Betong , i dont know if you woudnt mind, i can give you access to my system so that you help me figure it out. We can do that via team viewer or any other online means. Will you be chanced to help me out by tomorow, if possible, please tell me the time that will be convinience for you and the online means we will use.
Yes I will help and will send a Personal Message tomorrow to make arrangements. Here it is very late so the message will be in about ten hours from now.
Did you rename the .htaccess file? Index.php should work and also other calls to controllers.
Did you find the threshold parameter and check the logs?
@John_Betong Codeigniter was installed and the application in question runs correctly on my local machine. I only experienced this issues as i uploaded it on a hosted server.
I run codeigniter Version 2.2.2.
Also i have changed the default controller back to $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘welcome’; and on the hosted server, when i load www.nicebis.com, i was able to get to the welcome page.But when i changed it back to the way it runs on my local system, it get this “404 Page Not Found The page you requested was not found.” Error.
Please i still need your help. I’m available for online session as we discussed yesterday. Please when will it be convenient for you today i’m waiting?