301 re-directs in .htaccess cause internal server errror 500

We’re on Apache and when I insert a handful of 301 redirect statements, the 500 internal server error comes up.


Redirect 301 /products/tech.html /products/technology.html

It doesn’t matter if I used the absolute URL or not for the new destination.

You say that you are inserting a handful. What happens if you just insert one?

You may have a syntax error in one of the lines that you are inserting.

You can also check the Apache error log for more information.

When I only use one, I get the same result.

What does the Apache error log show when you encounter this error?

Is RewriteEngine kept On and hope the .htaccess is enabled via the apache conf with the AllowOverride All variable?

Make sure that Apache is compiled with mod_rewrite module on your server. Otherwise you will get an Internal Server error when you use rewrite rules.

HZ: Really? Redirect is mod_alias (Apache core) and mod_rewrite has NOTHING to do with it! PLEASE don’t scare me like this - I have my (VPS) account there!

mgm: I suspect that sparek is correct - that you have a syntax error in your Redirect statement(s)

Your use of 301 is correct and the internal version of an absolute URI is acceptable, too. Given only the one Redirect statement (which appears correctly formatted), I don’t know what the problem is. Care to post the entire set - better yet, the entire .htaccess this is in?



That’s correct Redirect is mod_alias. What Apache error log throws when you get this error. It will help us to tell you what might be a problem.