%20 is added to all whitespaces when i retrieve the data from db

i’m not sure if this is the right place to post

i made this blog (with java and mysql) and when i enter text and submit, this happens:

what i submit:
a b c d
what is displayed after submission and retrieve from database:

from where should i start in order to solve this?

using charset=iso-8859-1 in my jsp and latin-1 in mysql

i forgot to say that, if a want to post in the blog and have the text correctly output afterwards, i copy the text i input, then submit, then edit the retrieved text (the one with %20 chars added) and over it i paste the original text, submit (edit), getting it done now without any errors

the %20 is the space. If you want to get rid of that you either need to mark the spaces with a dash or underscore or take the spaces out altogether in your url. Depending upon your blog platform, it should tell you how to make “friendly urls”, using your htaccess file, to display without the %20 space markers.

Shyflower: its not in the url, its in the main blog’s textarea where the %20 makes its appearance

have a look here at topics with title “teste”:


I looked at the link you left and didn’t see any %20 markers in Google Chrome browser.

Oops… yes I did. Just a minute!

Those markers are in your source code so I imagine your blog platform’s rich text editor is putting them in there. What blog platform are you using?

This can also happen when you copy paste from a Word document to a rich text editor. The easiest way to get rid of them is to change from rich text to straight html, which is something you can do in most blog platforms (at least the ones I have used).

the blog was built from scratch by me, using java and mysql, so no rich text editor or whatsoever :frowning:
as i said above, if i want it nice, i copy the original text, submit, then edit - paste over, submit again -> pls see the example in the link i gave above :slight_smile:

I’m not tech oriented, but I don’t think this is a MySQL problem so I’m going to move this thread again then to general application and design, which is a programming forum. Maybe someone there will be able to help you. Good luck. Sorry I couldn’t help more. :frowning:

Off Topic:

The link seems not to be working now.

site is up again :slight_smile:
sorry for the inconvenience

never mind: i partially recoded the app and now it works fine

Sorry no one could help you out. Don’t give up on us! Hopefully next time we’ll do better.