PHP Version?

This isn’t my area of expertise, so please bear with me as I muddle through. :slight_smile:

This site is throwing an error:

I am using Smart Image Resizer from Shifting Pixel, and the requirements for it to function are:

PHP 5.1.0+ compiled with GD (a version that supports imageconvolution(), such as the bundled version).

The host says that this site IS using 5.2.14 - and here’s where I get confused. They have 2 phpinfo files on the site:
– Shows PHP 4.4.9
– Shows PHP 5.2.14

Any thoughts? The host is arguing that everything necessary is installed, but it’s still not functioning. I install this script constantly and only have problems with this particular host.

Thank you!

The host is set up to run .php5 files with PHP5 and .php files with PHP4. You may be able to change this in .htaccess using AddType php-cgi .php or similar but you’ll need to know what the host called the PHP5 CGI handler.

I renamed the file .php5 and it seems to have been a quick fix. I appreciate your help!