Last week I faced one issue in ajax related


Our team developing one new web application. Inside fully ajax implemented.

i click one link , it makes ajax call ,then response is received. this response contain javascript script functions. then response is eval and after insert to the display div. its working in chrome firefox safari browsers. but iE not working properly.

IE - only remove the script tags and not html code from the response. (some links working properly the same structure of code).

example response structure

10 javascript functions i wrote
<body onload=“initmethod()”>
----------html code here-----
5 javascript functions i wrote

give the solution


How can we help you to work out what the trouble is?

Ajax response contains script tags. IE browsers remove the script tags from Ajax response

Our Ajax response structure

10 javascript functions i wrote
<body onload=“initmethod()”>
----------html code here-----
5 javascript functions i wrote

What is the javascript code that causes IE to remove the script tags from the Ajax response?

Have you taken a look at Internet Explorer’s documentation for innerHTML?

Yes I’ts working well . thanks a lot paul_wilkins

MuthuRaja S