Mouse over background problem with slide-menu?

Hi all,
I don’t know exactly, Where the problem is… it is because of HTML or CSS.
Please, excuse me, if it is not the place to post this query…

New Page 1

In this page, i added, the slide menu (source from Dynamic Drive).
i.e left end of the browser window it shows ‘contents’ as slide menu title…
When you mouse over on items of the menu, the background color is changing for the menu items for those currently you are visiting…

It is working nicely in IE, but not in the Mozilla and Chrome…
(test this page in wider screens i.e LED’s or LCD’s, to know the problem…)

Thanking you…

It seems to work pretty well for me in Firefox. The only thing that doesn’t happen is that when you hover over a menu item, the corresponding title in the text is highlighted. Is that what you are saying should happen? Te links work fine, though.

Thanks for your reply…
Then What about Chrome.
Am using Mozilla 4.0. It is showing the problem…

See the attachments for better understanding.

Thanking you…


You will need to be more specific as to what problem you are addressing. There are hundreds of differences between the pages because you have no doctype and are therefore in quirks mode and IE is wildly different in quirks mode.

If the problem is the yellow background appearing on the body in Firefox then that’s because that ancient script is writing a bgColor into the body tag. You could over-ride that with some css.


However, the page and script is using some very old code and could do with tidying up.:slight_smile: