How to get a dynamic value into a literal array?, please help

There are two arrays named myContacts and getRes. When I use myContacts array it works fine. When I assign some value for getRes array which is exactly similar format like mycontacts array, but it’s a dynamic value which I already checked no error In the data content. But am facing problem with dynamic value which gave me not same as myContact. tq

var myContacts = "";
var getRes = "";

myContacts = [
{ id: 0, fname: "Dan", lname: "Curtis", nname: "staff" }, 
{ id: 1, fname: "Dugald", lname: "Curtis", nname: "staff" }, 
{ id: 2, fname: "Janet", lname: "Sherrat", nname: "staff" }, 
{ id: 3, fname: "Caroline", lname: "Buxton", nname: "staff" }, 
alert("Original: =" + myContacts.length);

getRes = response.split("~"); // Dynamic value same as above myContacts format

//following is the actual data which i receive dynamically, just to show what i receive dynamically.
//{ id: 0, fname: “Dan”, lname: “Curtis”, nname: “staff” },
//{ id: 1, fname: “Dugald”, lname: “Curtis”, nname: “staff” },
//{ id: 2, fname: “Janet”, lname: “Sherrat”, nname: “staff” },
//{ id: 3, fname: “Caroline”, lname: “Buxton”, nname: “staff” }

alert("Split: =" + getRes.length);

Is the value of response a string before it is split? If so, then it will be an array of strings after it’s split.

You may want to investigate using JSON techniques to convert the data back in to array-like values.

i try following method. its not working. please give me some tips on it.

function Student(first, last, level, grades) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.gradeLevel = level;
this.grades = grades;

// Offer a different object structure for JSON serialization
Student.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var gpa = 0,
i = this.grades.length;

while (i--) {
    gpa += this.grades[i];

return {
    name: this.lastName + ', ' + this.firstName,
    gpa: ((gpa / this.grades.length) / 25).toFixed(1)


var students = ;
students.push( new Student(“John”, “Schmidt”, 1, [95,90,92,87,100,100]) );
students.push( new Student(“Irene”, “Gamel”, 1, [72,70,88,76,100,95]) );
students.push( new Student(“Francis”, “Yeh”, 1, [53,67,100,0,78,88]) );

var studentJSON = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(students);

// studentsJSON now contains the string
// [{“name”:“Schmidt, John”,“gpa”:“3.8”},{“name”:“Gamel, Irene”,“gpa”:“3.3”},{“name”:“Yeh, Francis”,“gpa”:“2.6”}]

Following is my full script

<script type="text/javascript">
    YAHOO.example.FnMultipleFields = function () {
        var myContacts = "";

        //function Student(first, last, level, grades) {
        function user(idstr, fnamestr, lnamestr, nnamestr) {
            this.idval = idstr;
            this.fnameval = fnamestr;
            this.lnameval = lnamestr;
            this.nnameval = nnamestr;

        // Offer a different object structure for JSON serialization
        user.prototype.toJSON = function () {
            return {
                id: this.idval,
                fname: this.fnameval,
                lname: this.lnameval,
                nname: this.nnameval

        var div = document.getElementById('container');
        var handleSuccess = function (o) {
            YAHOO.log("The success handler was called.  tId: " + o.tId + ".", "info", "example");
            if (o.responseText !== undefined) {
                response = o.responseText;
                response = response.replace(/_/g, '"');
                myContacts = response.split("~");
                var users = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < myContacts.length; i++) {
                    var value = myContacts[i];
                    users.push(new user(myContacts[i]));
                var usersJSON = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(users);
                div.innerHTML = myContacts;

        var handleFailure = function (o) {
            YAHOO.log("The failure handler was called.  tId: " + o.tId + ".", "info", "example");
            if (o.responseText !== undefined) {

        var callback =
            success: handleSuccess,
            failure: handleFailure,
            argument: { foo: "foo", bar: "bar" }

        //var sUrl = "assets/get.php?username=anonymous&userid=0";
        var sUrl = "getdata.aspx";
        var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback);

        // Define a custom search function for the DataSource
        var matchNames = function (sQuery) {
            alert("First" + myContacts.length);
            // Case insensitive matching
            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase(),
        i = 0,
        l = myContacts.length,
        matches = [];

            // Match against each name of each contact
            for (; i < l; i++) {
                contact = myContacts[i];
                if ((contact.fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
            (contact.lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1) ||
            (contact.nname && (contact.nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1))) {
                    matches[matches.length] = contact;

            return matches;

        // Use a FunctionDataSource
        var oDS = new YAHOO.util.FunctionDataSource(matchNames);
        oDS.responseSchema = {
            fields: ["id", "fname", "lname", "nname"]

        // Instantiate AutoComplete
        var oAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("myInput", "myContainer", oDS);
        oAC.useShadow = true;
        oAC.resultTypeList = false;

        // Custom formatter to highlight the matching letters
        oAC.formatResult = function (oResultData, sQuery, sResultMatch) {
            var query = sQuery.toLowerCase(),
        fname = oResultData.fname,
        lname = oResultData.lname,
        nname = oResultData.nname || "", // Guard against null value
        query = sQuery.toLowerCase(),
        fnameMatchIndex = fname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
        lnameMatchIndex = lname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
        nnameMatchIndex = nname.toLowerCase().indexOf(query),
        displayfname, displaylname, displaynname;

            if (fnameMatchIndex > -1) {
                displayfname = highlightMatch(fname, query, fnameMatchIndex);
            else {
                displayfname = fname;

            if (lnameMatchIndex > -1) {
                displaylname = highlightMatch(lname, query, lnameMatchIndex);
            else {
                displaylname = lname;

            if (nnameMatchIndex > -1) {
                displaynname = "(" + highlightMatch(nname, query, nnameMatchIndex) + ")";
            else {
                displaynname = nname ? "(" + nname + ")" : "";

            return displayfname + " " + displaylname + " " + displaynname;


        // Helper function for the formatter
        var highlightMatch = function (full, snippet, matchindex) {
            return full.substring(0, matchindex) +
            "<span class='match'>" +
            full.substr(matchindex, snippet.length) +
            "</span>" +
            full.substring(matchindex + snippet.length);

        // Define an event handler to populate a hidden form field
        // when an item gets selected and populate the input field
        var myHiddenField = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("myHidden");
        var myHandler = function (sType, aArgs) {
            var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance
            var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element
            var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data

            // update hidden form field with the selected item's ID
            myHiddenField.value =;

            myAC.getInputEl().value = oData.fname + " " + oData.lname + (oData.nname ? " (" + oData.nname + ")" : "");

        return {
            oDS: oDS,
            oAC: oAC
    } ();