Last two words with the delimiter "."

If the value of $myVar($_SERVER[“SERVER_NAME”]) is “”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

If the value of $myVar is “”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “”

If the value of $myVar is “”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

If the value of $myVar is “france/”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

If the value of $myVar is “”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

If the value of $myVar is “”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

If the value of $myVar is “france/”,
I like to get the modified value of $myVar is “

How can I modify $myVar for getting my target value(mainDomain) from each dynamic variable value(subDomain+mainDoamin) ?

(I like to get the main(registered) domain from the subDomains and mainDomains.)


$domains[] = '';
$domains[] = '';
$domains[] = 'france/';

foreach($domains as $domain){
	//This is where the modification starts
	$domain = explode('.', $domain);
	$domain_count = count($domain);
	if($domain_count >= 2) $domain = $domain[$domain_count-2].'.'.$domain[$domain_count-1];
	else $domain =  $domain[0];
	//This is where the modification ends
	echo $domain, '<br>';

I’ve exploded the variable on the ‘.’ character and just concatenated the last 2 parts back together. There might be a better way to do this, but that’s how I solved it.

Thank you very much, your code works fine.