Why is Google asking for a Tele #?

That’s why I don’t have a phone… We don’t get service here on my own personal island! :lol:

Seriously, it’s not being “paranoid” - I’m trying to stay “informed”.

If Google was indeed storing every Tele # I ever entered - which hopefully I won’t have to do after this - it would concern me.

Because I don’t like people keeping tabs on my every move. (It’s bad enough my credit card company knows everything I do…)

But I’m asking about if they permanently tie that “unlock Tele #” to your Gmail account for life in the background. (I would say that it is stored in a database forever…)


Yeah, but in the standard recovery screens, I don’t see where a phone number is REQUIRED. I see the choice to select it IF YOU’VE ALREADY SET IT UP to send the recovery code. But at no time do I see where one is REQUIRED.

Dave Maxwell,

Well, I broke down and did it, and now there are two men with dark sunglasses standing outside of my window.

What should I do? :shifty:


Offer them lemonade :slight_smile:

Ha ha! :smiley:

Hi, It is for security reason. It is best wey to authenticate your gmail account.

I agree with this. Nobody deletes anything any more.
It’s just marked as deleted.

The media is rife with examples of companies harvesting your data and using it for … well, who knows what.
What’s a Facebook shadow profile, and should you be worried about it?

Google will not call you or anything. Once you give them a number, you’ll have to verify it by putting the code that they will send you on your phone. It is done by either text or call, but it is up to you. The call would be like, “Your verification code is 00000, goodbye” and that’s it.

Adding a phone number secures your account. You don’t need to add your phone number, just add any phone number, like, of a friend or family member.

I guess I might be missing something, but it seems obvious to me

If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, don’t do it.
If you don’t trust Google, don’t use them.


Interesting article. (And awesome website. Thanks!!)


And you seem to be missing the point that…

I never had to give out a Tele # to Google and so that was good.

I have been using this secondary account for a business of mine for some time with no hitches, which is good.

Suddenly they locked me out, and the only way to get things unlocked was to cough up a Tele #, which is BAD!!

There was no obvious way I could have saw all of this would happen.

Now I know better.


[ot] Maybe of interest…


Thanks!! :tup:

Off Topic:

How do I see the browsing history? (I had it turned off, so I guess I can’t see anything, right?)

Also, I downloaded an archive of my account, and one of the things I saw was this…

“All mail Including Spam and Trash.mbox”

How do I access that??



I do agree that it seemed shockingly invasive to me the first time Google (and later on, Facebook) asked me for my cell number. Not something I was used to as an old-time Internet user (back in my day, before social networks…). I doubt anyone’s going to be showing up at my door to kidnap me, but still bothersome, and I do agree that the logic of it makes little sense.

Unless your phone number is 99489968 :cool:

Just read this interesting article: http://www.infoworld.com/t/cringely/google-evil-you-have-no-idea-238288



(Google DNA ID: 937358701101)