Dependency Injection: a discussion of the pros and cons

Not really. I take that as there is room for improvement or someone may have a potentially better idea on how to accomplish what I did. I hardly consider that “your code is crap”.

And here lies the rub. I even mentioned this in the post you are quoting. This is conceptual thinking! I don’t care if you won’t implement it. Conceptually, what are the merits/flaws with @TomB’s approach? Regardless of whether you choose to implement any changes or not is (as you like to say) irrelevant.

We are conceptually looking at the two methodologies and trying to identify the merits/flaws in each. I don’t give a damn about your framework and what if any changes you choose to make to it. I simply care about the conceptual idea between the two different processes taken and how one may choose to go with idea 1 versus idea 2.

If you can’t engage in this discussion on a conceptual level, then please step out so the rest of us can. We aren’t trying to bend your arm and force you to change your code. We are simply trying to engage in the idea of two different techniques and how one would determine the best use for either technique when developing their application.