Ad abundance?

Hey @sibertius, thanks muchly for pointing this out.

I have made SitePoint HQ aware of the issue.

Please note that we are currently testing some things out with the advertising team and will most likely cut back on the quantity of ads. Everything will be reviewed again on Monday.


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Oops. That’s not a good look.

I passed this on to the devs who replied that this happens when the page is accessed on desktop then the user resizes the browser. Is this what you were doing?

Either way, they have made an update to hide those sidebar ad slots on smaller screens. Ads should already be off for mobile.

Yes, I used desktop and use the “chrome mobile”. But now it is bearable :slight_smile:

Hi sibertius (and anyone else listening),

A small update from HQ re. ads:

We are going to be removing ads for anyone that’s signed in on the forum, meaning our active members won’t see ads anymore :slightly_smiling_face:

The changes should now be live, so ads should be gone if you are signed in.